Wednesday, July 23, 2008

An Award For ME!

Hi Dear Blogging Buddies~

I received this award from Katherinellen of

Please stop by her blog and say Hi....she is a real sweetie! Thanks Kat!

It is such an honor to recieve and award, but I also have to APOLOGIZE for not posting several other awards I have received from others who have been equally as generous and kind.

Katherinellen was so kind to tell me how to actually POST them to my blog, so now am a little bit more "award" savy. If I haven't posted an award you sent to me, PLEASE accept my apology. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!

xxxoo Ruth

It is with great honor that I pass this award (baton!) along to-




Susie Q.-


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Holly, Congrats on this award. You are very deserving!!
You are so kind to also pass this on to me and I send many thanks for this award. I did receive it several weeks ago, but to again be graced for it from you, is very special. I will add your name to my thanks of apprecation with the award.

As always, I love my visit to your blog and enjoy reading about all that you share.
Have a great day and thank you again.
love, Celestina
la rea rose

Free Art Printables said...

Oh congrats! Great picks to pass on to! Jen R

CIELO said...

Good morning, Holly, congratulations on your blog awards, you are so very deserving of them!! And thanks for passing this lovely award onto me; I'm honored.



Anonymous said...

Your welcome! Look great! You are a sweetie too! I have always love to visit your blog. Love to hear form you too! Thank you for the are sweet. Hope you have a wonderful day. :)Smiles and Hugs

bj said...

Oh, Holly...congrats on your pretty award and THANK YOU for thinking to pass it to me. I am honored.
You have always been such a special sweetie and I had so much fun with you on RMS, back in the old days.....lots of fun back then, hu? Crazy gals....
hugs, bj

Abbie said...

Hi holly!
Oh, this award is very well deserved! Kudos!

bj said...

Dearest Holly...I did the very same thing a few years ago...I tried Cottage style and loved it..lots of WHITE, LACY things around...
With hubby and 16 grandchildren, it just did not work for my family. And, besides all that, along came POTTERY BARN and I fell in love with a lot of their looks.
We now have comfy, leather sofas, a wonderful recliner of hubby, plenty of sturdy tables and chairs so my family is comfortable.
I love so many styles...they are nearly all pretty...we just have to choose the style that we want our family to live with...comfortably !
hugs, bj

nikkicrumpet said...

Well helloooo woman. I am assuming this is the great and masterful Hollyhock from RMS?? If not excuse me ever so much for crashing your lovely blog. I found this link on BJ's blog. Since I rarely go to RMS anymore it's so very nice to have a way to link to my favorite people there. Take care and tell your hubby to get dressed...I may be stopping by to peek at your master bedroom at any moment!

bj said...

Hi, sweetness...
Just stopping by to see how you are doing and to say HI....
Have a fabulous weekend...
love, bj

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award from a newbie in the blogging world! I'll never get an award I am sure , I would just like to get the hang of this!!!!!
So glad I happened upon you- though as a fellow sister in Christ we know there are no chances in life, only divine appointments!!! Looking forward to visit your blog often!!

Free Art Printables said...

Congrats on your award! You deserve it! I wanted to let you know my blog address has changed slightly due to some recent events! Jen R

Susie Q said...

Thank you sweet Holly. I am alsways so humbled by this...thank you so much. You are a doll dear friend.


Donna Lynn said...

Hi Ruth! Congrats on the awards.

Loved your post of your mantles!
Thanks for the lovely pictures, it really inspires me to see people who have "real" mantles, I sadly do hoo!
Hope your having a blessed day,

bj said...

I've missed your postings and I have the feeling that you are BUSY around your cottage, re-doing and gettin more cuteness...
love, bj

Anonymous said...

Hey there stranger, just stopped by to say hello and hope you enjoying whats left of summer!! Time sure flys by, can't believe its almost Sept. Stop by some time, and take good care, Love from Chrissy a.k.a. SEACLIFF

Krissie said...


Congrats on your award!!


bj said...

holly....HOLLY.....where are you???

Donna Lynn said...

Good for you! Hope your doing well this week, thought I would come over and say hi! Love the post on the mantle, the Fall one is my favorite, I adore Fall!

Take care and bless you!
Donna Lynn

nikkicrumpet said...

Hey Ruth!

I was over at BJ's today and saw your comment. I'm so glad I did because stupid me hasn't visited here in a long time. I gotta add you to my bloglist so I don't miss out again! Now I'm off to snoop around your place and catch up!!

nikkicrumpet said...

I'm so glad you stopped by! And the comment about me hiding in your house made me giggle!!! Of course you know if I was hiding I'd pick that MARVELOUS bedroom of yours...It's just too dang beautiful!...Oh wait...and the dining room...oh and that amazing bathroom...ok and I'd sit on that wonderful couch of know the one I mean. Wow you're in trouble..I guess I COULD be anywhere!

Rue said...

Hi Holly :)

I keep checking to see if you've posted.... hmmmm... you're doing something creative aren't you? ;)


vivian said...

yoo hoo.. where are you?? havent seen ya here in a bit...
hope all is well and that you are enjoying the summer!!

Rue said...

Hi again Holly :)

I went and checked it out and I'm amazed at the changes in your home! It's beautiful, but so different from the look you had, I was really surprised. Glad to hear from you :)
